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Turn Your Haunted Factory into a Smart Factory This Halloween!

Just for Fun|

As the leaves turn and shadows grow longer, factories everywhere prepare for the spooky season. But instead of carving pumpkins, why not carve out a plan to banish the ghastly gremlins lurking in your machinery? This Halloween, let’s explore how installing wireless sensors can help you turn your haunted factory into a smart factory, all while tackling those classic spooky problems that seem to haunt industrial settings. […]

Enhance Manufacturing Efficiency with the Leap Production Counter & Manufacturing Downtime Sensor


Imagine having a tool that not only tracks production in real time but also provides invaluable insights into downtime events, stop counts, production rates, line rates and Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE). Meet the Leap Production Counter & Manufacturing Downtime Sensor – a game-changer for anyone involved in manufacturing operations. […]

Keep Your Resolutions with Help from Leap Sensors

Technology Explainers|

It’s a week into January – raise your hand if you’ve already broken your New Year’s resolution. Well, you’re not alone. It’s been reported that 80% of resolutions get broken by February. So this year, instead of the usual New Year’s resolutions- be healthier, quit a bad habit, finally learn how to do that one thing you’ve always said you wanted to do– let Phase IV help you make some New Year’s resolutions that you can […]

A Manufacturer’s Guide to the 5 Most Important Wireless Sensors

News, Technology Explainers|

Shigeo Shingo, an industrial engineer who pioneered the Toyota Production System (TPS) said, “The most dangerous kind of waste is the waste we do not recognize.” Manufacturers are on a never-ending quest to identify and eliminate waste. The more efficiently a factory runs, the more profitable it will be. The key is identifying the waste and turning it into an improvement. […]

Proof! You Really Can Install a Leap Sensor System In 5 Minutes


We say it all the time: “Our sensors are up and running in just five minutes,” and we really do mean it. When we designed the Leap Sensors system, we knew one key would be to ensure the installation process was as streamlined as possible. That’s why our wireless sensors arrive pre-configured and ready for “plug and play” installation. We’ve removed the hassle of pulling wires and time-consuming software setup. Adding additional sensors to the Leap Sensor system […]

Ensuring Compressed Air Quality with a Wireless Pressurized Dew Point Sensor: A Game Changer for Industrial Applications

New Products, Technology Explainers|

In a factory, compressed air is as essential as electricity and water. It powers pneumatic pistons, tools, cleaning equipment, and more. The challenge, however, is keeping the lines moisture-free, since air in the lines can easily form condensation […]

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