Kaizen’s principle is “Be visible: performance and improvements should be tangible and visible.” And Phase IV couldn’t agree more. 

But what is Kaizen? Ultimately it is a method that when implemented, creates a system of continuous improvement. The word “kaizen” comes from the Japanese meaning “change for the better.” In English, we think of Kaizen more simply as “improvement”. Specifically with manufacturing, the goal of Kaizen is to “go lean” by improving current standardized processes and programs to eliminate waste and increase efficiency. Kaizen is an intentional attitude of always working on ways to improve efficiency. 

One of the ways Kaizen improves efficiency is through a Kaizen Event. Kaizen events are short-term projects that focus on one or a few significant changes made to your existing manufacturing process and then study to see what improvements to efficiency they create. The Leap Sensor System is a perfect addition to a Kaizen event. With affordable sensors, a rapid ROI, and plenty of actionable data, the Leap Sensor system is easy to set up and see improvements for a Kaizen event.

The Leap Sensors System and the Kaizen method have two shared goals for lean manufacturing 

  •  Improved efficiency: A constant focus on reducing waste in current processes or procedures ensures efficiency throughout the entire organization. A more efficient process might entail reducing employee motion on an assembly line or eliminating unnecessary steps in a work order.
  •  Improved best practices: An organization’s standardized practices or the current best practices guiding it is where improvement opportunities start. These practices are constantly being re-examined, dissected, and improved.

The Leap Sensor System directly aids in three of the steps in the Kaizen method for continuous improvement:

  •  Measure: Use quantifiable data as a trackable metric to measure improvement. Every Leap Sensor uses the IoT to provide actionable data.
  •  Compare: Compare the data from measurements with new requirements and goals. The data provided by the Leap Sensors makes it easy to understand where areas can be improved. 
  •  Innovate: Constantly strive to discover fresh and enhanced methods to complete identical tasks and attain identical outcomes. Leap Sensors are an innovative solution to manufacturing monitoring that allows you to understand your entire manufacturing process better, and continue innovating.

There are three key sensors for a Kaizen event in the wireless Leap Sensors line:

1. Production Counter & Downtime Monitoring Sensor

The Leap Production counter and downtime monitoring sensors provide vital data for manufacturing and production. This innovative sensor uses proximity sensors that count products as they come off the production line. This is then combined with edge computing, which allows the sensor to calculate the time between each product’s pass to identify when downtime occurs and its duration. This data can provide valuable insight during a Kaizen event. You can learn about wasted time and areas for improvement, allowing the manufacturing process to become more efficient and leaner. This cutting-edge sensor has many more benefits, which you can read about here.

production counter with prox sensors

2. Motor Monitor Sensors

Motor Monitoring Rendering with Leap parts and graph inset

Our wireless Leap Motor Monitoring sensor combines 3 different sensors in one multi-sensor node: temperature, vibration, and electrical current. You can monitor these top three predictors of motor failure in a sophisticated and comprehensive way. With this multi-sensor, you will receive notifications before a motor breaks down. Plus, with continuous remote monitoring, you can begin to accrue data on how your machines operate, allowing you to start understanding how to create lean manufacturing during your Kaizen event.  

3. Vibration/accelerometer Sensor

The Leap Vibration and accelerometer sensors play a critical role in predictive maintenance which is a key part of lean manufacturing. A change in vibration is an excellent predictor of an impending issue with manufacturing equipment. This highly accurate vibration data can then be used for various analyses and diagnostics. This data can then be input into a database, where the data can be analyzed to detect faults such as bearing failures, bent shafts, and motor faults, and the faster a problem is identified, the leaner and more efficient the manufacturing process becomes.

vibration module close up web

So no matter what equipment gives you the most trouble or which piece of the production process is slowest, there is a wireless Leap Sensor sensor that will give measurable data, and be a part of a simple Kaizen project solution. Talk to one of our experts about which Leap Sensor will best work for your Kaizen event today