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Keep Your Resolutions with Help from Leap Sensors

It’s a week into January – raise your hand if you’ve already broken your New Year’s resolution. Well, you’re not alone. It’s been reported that 80% of resolutions get broken by February. So this year, instead of the usual New Year’s resolutions- be healthier, quit a bad habit, finally learn how to do that one thing you’ve always said you wanted to do– let Phase IV help you make some New Year’s resolutions that you can […]

A Manufacturer’s Guide to the 5 Most Important Wireless Sensors

Shigeo Shingo, an industrial engineer who pioneered the Toyota Production System (TPS) said, “The most dangerous kind of waste is the waste we do not recognize.” Manufacturers are on a never-ending quest to identify and eliminate waste. The more efficiently a factory runs, the more profitable it will be. The key is identifying the waste and turning it into an improvement. […]

Ensuring Compressed Air Quality with a Wireless Pressurized Dew Point Sensor: A Game Changer for Industrial Applications

In a factory, compressed air is as essential as electricity and water. It powers pneumatic pistons, tools, cleaning equipment, and more. The challenge, however, is keeping the lines moisture-free, since air in the lines can easily form condensation […]

It’s All in the Details: How Leap Sensors Make Your Life a Little Better

Renowned mid-century designer Charles Eames said, “The details are not the details. They make the design.” At Phase IV, we couldn’t agree more. We’ve worked hard to refine our Leap Sensors system to meet the specific requirements of our industrial clients. Today, let’s delve into some of the unique details that “make the design” of our Leap Sensors transceiver nodes. […]

3 Must-Have Sensors for your Data Center Monitoring System

In a world that keeps us constantly connected to all of our wants and needs, it’s easy to forget that all of that information – 2.5 million terabytes daily – needs to be stored somewhere. Data centers are the“brains” that keep our connected world running smoothly. Interruptions to these systems can range from inconvenient- you don’t get your package delivered on time– to catastrophic- an airline system goes down and thousands of travelers […]

Top 10 Things Leap Sensors Do That No One Else Does

When we designed the Leap Sensor wireless sensor system, we based it on our 30 years of experience working with Fortune 500 clients on their most challenging wireless sensor projects. We’ve learned a thing or two about what industrial and commercial users really need, and because of that, the Leap Sensors system has features no one else does. Drum roll, please, because here’s a countdown of the Top Ten: […]

5 Wireless Sensor Myths – Busted!

Watch out for the gargoyles!

As Spooky Season is upon us, it’s the perfect time to face your fears. Go to a haunted house, watch a horror movie, or–scariest of all–try out a wireless sensor system! There are plenty of urban legends surrounding wireless sensors that have turned them into a scary myth. Let’s bust those myths, because wireless sensors are a lot less “trick” and way more “treat” than you may think.

Reduce Downtime & Improve Operational Efficiency with Automated Production & Downtime Tracking Sensors

By Scott Dalgleish, CEO of Phase IV Engineering

Bilocation: the state of being or ability to be in two places at the same time. (Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary)

Don’t you sometimes wonder, when you’re sitting in a meeting, about what you might be missing outside the meeting? I think this is especially true for managers in manufacturing, as there’s so much happening on the production floor. When I started my career as a shift manager at a major coffee processing plant, I once […]

Worried about Water Damage? Introducing Our Wireless Flood Sensor

A Forbes magazine article published in 2021 stated that “A study of 729,999 commercial and residential properties in the contiguous U.S. concluded that floods will cost businesses $26.8 billion in direct lost output and $23 billion in lost output due to downtime in 2022.” And this doesn’t include risks to civil structures such as tunnels or underpasses. Clearly, water damage, whether from burst pipes, leaks, or flooding, is a major concern. Because of this, Phase IV has developed a […]

The Top 5 Sensors for Structural Health Monitoring (SHM)

We recently introduced our range of Leap Sensors for structural health monitoring (SHM) using the IoT. Structural health monitoring is the process of regularly checking infrastructures such as roads, bridges, buildings, tunnels, etc. for changes that may indicate deterioration or recent damage. Most of this is still done with physical inspections, but advances in wireless sensor technology now make it possible to install remote monitoring systems. With regular, consistent monitoring, it’s a lot […]

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