Leap Sensors are specially designed to easily adapt to your specific needs. If this isn’t exactly what you need, please contact us.
9-RTD Wireless Temperature Sensor Specifications
RTD Specifications
- Low mass: Utilizes Omega Class A F Series sensor.
- Thin-film DIN Class A.
- Size: 2.3 x 2.1 x 0.9 (thick) mm.
- Rated for temperatures between -50 and 500°C (-58 to 432°F). However, Class A accuracy is assured between -30 to 300°C (-22 to 572°F).
- 3-wire RTD: the sensor utilizes a 3-wire configuration to the RTD sensors. The electronics measure and compensate for changes in wire resistance over temperature changes.
- Long cable lengths to sensors: The 3-wire RTD temperature sensor design facilitates long cable lengths to the sensors (if needed) while maintaining temperature accuracy.
- Temperature accuracy:
- Contact us for application-specific estimates on accuracy.
- Typical: +/- 0.4C from 25C to 120C.
- High-accuracy version: +/- 0.1C, or better (over specified temperature span) is available. Contact us for details.
- Other RTDs can be connected to this board. Contact us for more information.
Sensor Electronics and Battery
- Electronics operating temperature:
- Standard operating temperature: Battery and electronics can operate up to 125C. (Contact us for higher operating range.)
- Additional on-circuit-board temperature sensor – optional
- 3-Wire RTD – electronics measure wire resistance to the sensor and compensate for changes in wire resistance over temperature to maintain accuracy over a wide temperature range.
- Fast temperature sampling time interval:
- Fastest sampling rate for 9-RTD temperature sensors – all 9 sensors every 3 seconds.
- Data is typically data-logged with a time stamp on the sensor, then transmitted every 15 to 30 seconds.
- Sampling as slow as one sensor reading per day.
- Data logging: Sensor will act as a data logger when gateway is not in range, storing up to 10,000 time-stamped readings on board. See details below.
Leap Wireless Sensor Transceiver Node Specifications
- Transmission distance to a gateway – typically 200 feet in open air. The sensor transmitter antenna is on the circuit board.
- 2-way communication with the sensor through the user interface:
- Name the sensor, set sensor sampling time interval, set wireless transmit time interval, over-the-air firmware updates.
- Gateways send an acknowledgment to the sensor that the data was received for high reliability.
- Sensor data logging – When sensors do not receive an acknowledgment from the gateway that the radio transmission was received, the Leap Sensor will store the time-stamped data on-board until the gateway connection is established.
- Reliable industrial over-the-air radio communication
- Industry-standard 802.15.4 with Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum (DSSS).
- Gateway “hand-shake” acknowledgments of successful transmission and sensor data logging for extra reliability.
- Over-the-air protocol – Standard and established 6LoPan and Thread.
- Data security – AES encryption. Standard and established TLS security.
- FCC certified.
- Battery – user-replaceable 3.0C or 3.6V batteries.
Leap Wireless Sensors Gateway (Receiver) and User Interface Software
- See the Leap Sensors gateway page and the Leap Sensors User Interface options page for more detailed information.
- Leap Sensors wirelessly transmit data to a gateway*.
- Gateway can support over 250 sensors that are in range. (Additional gateways can extend sensor coverage.)
- The gateway then passes the data to the Leap user interface software. The user interface software may be hosted on the gateway (and connected to a PC with a USB cable), on the password-protected Leap Sensors Cloud web site, or an on-site server.
- User interface supports: logging-in, set user rights, view sensor data, set email and text alerts (cloud version), graph sensor data, download data to excel, add or subtract sensors, update firmware, and other functions.
*Custom-ordered leap sensors are available with a direct-to-cellular option where no gateway is needed and the data is sent directly to a cloud server. Contact us for more information.
Patents pending.
Ideal for these processes:
- Silicon wafer processing
- Scientific experiments
- Paint and coatings curing
- Temperature profiling over a surface