Breakthrough technology uses CAN bus to “daisy chain” multiple small strain gauge sensor modules to one wireless Leap transceiver node. Anywhere from 1 to 16 strain gauge modules can be added to the bus. Each CAN strain module can support 2 full-bridge resistive strain gauge sensors, for a total of up to 32 full-bridge strain gauges per transceiver node.
Edge processing at the strain sensor level assures a high-quality conversion of the sensor voltage reading to a digital reading, which can then be reliably sent via the CAN bus to the wireless transceiver node.
Industrial CAN bus cables can be over 600 feet long.
Ideal for wireless monitoring of strain in multiple points along structural components such as I-beams, girders, hanging structures, support columns, railways etc., as well as industrial applications such as rotating shafts in engines, turbines, etc.
Wireless Strain Demonstration and Tutorial
Contact us to find the best strain sensor configuration for your specific application.
Part of the breakthrough Leap Sensors® system.
Multiple strain sensing modules attach to the transceiver node over a CAN bus. Each module can support two full-bridge strain sensors. The strain modules are ordered separately. Contact Us and an Application Engineer will work with you to provide a detailed final quote that meets your specific application.
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