Bearings Monitoring

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Bearing temperature sensors, combined with sensors for vibration and pressure are ideal for predictive maintenance. Designed to withstand harsh environments. Monitor bearings, gearboxes, motors, etc.  Part of our Leap Sensors line for the Industrial Internet of Things.

  • Coming Soon

    This unique Leap wireless sensor can install in the threaded grease zerk hole in bearings.  Remove the grease zerk, install the sensor, then re-install the zerk back into the sensor. Grease guns may be used to continue grease the bearing using the zerk mounted on the Leap sensor. Mounting adapters also facilitate easy installation on any type of machine. Accelerometer readings (in all 3 axes) are taken at 5 KHz, then edge-processed into the top predictors of failures. Temperature and 3-axis vibration sensors are mounted in the stainless steel base. Send text, email, and phone alerts when temperature vibration limits are exceeded. Data integrates easily into PLCs or other plant monitoring software. Bulk accelerometer reading downloads are also available as an option.   Contact us to talk to an expert and find the best solution. Part of the breakthrough Leap Sensors® system.   Build your quote here:
  • Coming Soon.  Contact us for details.

    This Leap vibration and temperature device node could not be easier to install. The ultra-strong magnet mounts the device node to the equipment in seconds.  Vibration and temperature is conducted through the magnet to the accelerometer and temperature sensor. Ideal for monitoring large gearboxes, bearings, and motors to detect impending failures. Part of the breakthrough Leap Sensors® system.   Build your quote here:
  • This vibration and temperature module connects over the CAN bus to the Wireless Motor Monitor transceiver node and send temperature and vibration data.   Part of the breakthrough Leap Sensors® system for the IIoT.   Build your quote here:
  • This unique motor sensor combines 3 different sensors in one multi-sensor node: temperature, vibration, and electrical current. Get continuous remote monitoring of these key predictors of motor failure. Receive alerts via text, email, or phone. Avoid costly downtime and gain operating insight. It's like having X-ray vision into your key processes.

    Video Demonstration and Tutorial - Wireless Motor and Rotating Equipment Sensor - Vibration, Temperature, Electric Current

    wireless motor monitor video demonstration
    • The only system currently available that combines all three types sensors on one transceiver node. Get sophisticated monitoring at a real-world price.
    • Installs quickly & safely: temperature sensor and vibration sensor (accelerometer) install quickly with industrial-strength magnets or screw mount. Current sensor is a split-core amp clamp.
    • The standard vibration sensor takes a simple yet highly effective and proven approach by sampling at 5KHz and edge-computing the data to report RMS acceleration, RMS velocity, and peak acceleration.
    • Store data & manage alerts with our software, or integrate into your own PLC or other software.
    This motor condition monitoring sensor is ideal for an IoT predictive maintenance program or condition-based monitoring & maintenance.   Part of the breakthrough Leap Sensors® system for the IIoT. Build your quote here:
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