Leap Sensors Software Deployment Options

Software installed on Single-board computer on gateway with USB or Ethernet cable to PC Single-board computer on gateway with Ethernet cable  to Local Area Network (LAN)
On a PC Company server with Ethernet to Local Area Network (LAN)
Phase IV Cloud Solution Company Cloud Solution
Great for Initial proof of concept systems and demonstrations with <10 transceiver nodes. Early rollout of system in a plant. Can access remotely with VPN. Short-term testing of <10 transceiver nodes. Large implementations within a facility. Access anytime, anywhere.
Access anytime, anywhere.
Requires help from IT Department? No No – if it is OK to plug into LAN. Yes – to load software on PC. Yes – requires access to server in facility.¹ No – as long as it is OK to put company data on a Phase IV cloud server.¹ Depends on company policy.¹
Software and data behind the company firewall? Yes Yes No Yes No If the cloud server is behind the firewall.
Data is located
In gateway onsite. In gateway onsite, behind firewall. On the PC. At facility server, behind firewall. Phase IV cloud database. Company cloud database.
Data is accessible with Login and password on PC connected to gateway. Login and password when connected to LAN or remotely with VPN. Login and password when using PC. Login and password when connected to LAN or remotely with VPN. Login and password when connected to internet. Login and password when connected to internet.
Interface with software using Web browser – Chrome or Firefox. Web browser – Chrome or Firefox. Web browser – Chrome or Firefox. Web browser – Chrome or Firefox. Web browser – Chrome or Firefox. Web browser – Chrome or Firefox.
Amount of data stored ~1M data points ~1M data points ~1M data points Millions Millions – depends on data plan. Millions – depends on data plan.
Software runs on Gateway single board computer web server. Gateway single board computer web server. PC Local server. Cloud server. Cloud server.
Email alerts?
Possible³ Yes – using outbound internet connection.² Yes – using outbound internet connection.² Yes – using outbound internet connection.² Yes Yes
Text alerts?
Possible³ Yes – using outbound internet connection.² Yes – using outbound internet connection.² Yes – using outbound internet connection.² Yes Yes
Telephone alerts?
Possible³ Yes – using outbound internet connection.² Yes – using outbound internet connection.² Yes – using outbound internet connection.² Yes Yes
Accessible from outside the facility? No With VPN into LAN No With VPN into LAN. Yes – accessible with internet connection. Yes – accessible with internet connection.
Software required on PC, phone, or Tablet None – use web browser. None – use web browser. Yes None – use web browser. None – use web browser. None – use web browser.
Download Data 2 clicks to generate Excel CSV file in selected time range. 2 clicks to generate Excel CSV file in selected time range. 2 clicks to generate Excel CSV file in selected time range. 2 clicks to generate Excel CSV file in selected time range. 2 clicks to generate Excel CSV file in selected time range. 2 clicks to generate Excel CSV file in selected time range.
Pull data into another application Internet Protocol API, Modbus, DNP3, or other protocol via gateway ethernet cable. Internet Protocol API, Modbus, DNP3, or other protocol via LAN. Internet Protocol API, Modbus, DNP3, or other protocol via LAN. Internet Protocol API, Modbus, DNP3, or other protocol via LAN. Internet Protocol API, Modbus, DNP3, or other protocol via internet. Internet Protocol API, Modbus, DNP3, or other protocol via internet.
When database is full Oldest data is over-written. Oldest data is over-written. Oldest data is over-written. Oldest data is over-written – database can be massive. Oldest data is over-written – database can be massive. Oldest data is over written – database can be massive.

¹Requires that the LAN is connected to the internet and allows outbound internet traffic. Most company networks are configured this way.

²Device node data is routed from the gateway to the data server (a local or cloud-based server) over UDP port 5783 (or 5784 when DTLS is enabled). Data on the data server is then accessed using a web browser and the standard HTTP TCP port 80 (or 443 when TLS/HTTPS is enabled).

³Not recommended. If the PC is connected to the internet, then the Leap network may be bridged to the LAN (through the PLC) to access email, text, and phone alert services.