The Leap wireless thermowell sensor can integrate 1 to 9 PT100 thermowells. See our standard offerings below. Contact us if you need a different temperature probe. Part Numbers: LBI0-xT04 - 4" probe, LBI0-xT05 - 6" probe, LBI0-xT06 - 12" probe. x=number of thermowells.Part of the breakthrough Leap Sensors® system. This wireless sensor is typically customized to specific applications. The price is for the basic, one-thermowell model. Include your requirements and we will reply with an exact quote. Build your quote here:
This Leap wireless sensor has two standard mini thermocouple connectors that can connect to any K-type thermocouple. Because thermocouples can be used over a wide temperature range and thermocouples come in a huge range of probe types, this sensor addresses many harsh industrial applications.Part of the breakthrough Leap Sensors® system. Build your quote here:
This Leap wireless sensor has a standard mini thermocouple connectors that can connect to any thermocouple. (Standard products comes with K-Type thermocouples.) Other thermocouple types are also available - type-B, type-S, etc. Because thermocouples can be used over a wide temperature range and thermocouples come in a huge range of probe types, this sensor addresses many industrial applications - and is one of our most popular industrial wireless sensors.Part of the breakthrough Leap Sensors® system. Build your quote here:
This Leap wireless transceiver node can integrate any off-the-shelf PRT or RTD Temperature sensor.
Configured to Your Exact Application
The external industrial sensor may be powered by an optional 12 or 24V power supply driven from the over-sized Leap Sensor node battery. No external power source is needed with the 12/24V power supply option (LP-1TXX). See below for other options to configure this industrial wireless sensor node to your exact needs. Contact us for help integrating the best sensor probe for your application. Part of the breakthrough Leap Sensors® system. Build your quote here: